Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.

The need in Treaty For An Elders’ Voice

Gunditjmara Elders Aunty Charmaine Clarke and Uncle Rob Lowe talk about the work ahead in developing, the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria's Elders' Voice.
Posted by: Charles Pakana
Published: 26 July 2021

Cultural and spiritual guidance. These are critical to the often inherently bureaucratic processes being undertaken by the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.

As the Assembly members and the growing number of support staff continue their work in establishing the foundation for treaties between the Victorian State Government and Victorian Aboriginal peoples, the voice of Elders is required…and missing.

But not for much longer.

Tasked with establishing the Assembly’s Elders’ Voice are Aunty Charmaine Clarke (Gunditjmara) and Uncle Andrew Gardiner (Wurunjeri Woi Wurrung). They have been allocated – initially – three months in which to consult with Victorian community Elders and establish the model for the Elder’s Voice.

Connection Matters Radio met with Aunty Charmaine and Gunditjmara Elder Uncle Rob Lowe to discuss the work ahead and, importantly, the need for the Elders’ Voice.


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