Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.

FPAV’s Rueben Berg Talks Treaty

Rueben Berg shares what it's like behind the scenes as one of the elected Victorian Aboriginal TOs working towards Treaty/ies in Victoria.
Posted by: Charles Pakana
Published: 6 September 2021

As Victoria steps steadily forward to that historic time when treaties are negotiated between Traditional Owners and the State Government, committed people are constantly working to ensure those steps take place without stumbling.

Gunditjmara man and member representing the Metropolitan region of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria (FPAV), Rueben Berg, has a frank discussion with CMR’s Charles Pakana about the daily challenges and successes of Assembly members.

FPAV Contact Details

Web: https://www.firstpeoplesvic.org

Phone: 1800 TREATY (1800 87 32 89)
Email: enquiries@firstpeoplesvic.org or https://www.firstpeoplesvic.org/get-in-touch

To enrol online to vote: https://www.firstpeoplesvic.org/enrol/


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