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The Victorian Aboriginal News Referendum 2023 Tapes

A deep-seated loathing for misinformation, sensationalist news and self-proclaimed evangelists

Posted by: Charles Pakana
Published: 2 March 2023
Answering questions I'm often asked about the editorial direction and focus of the Victorian Aboriginal News Referendum '23 Tapes podcast.

In response to many people asking me about the editorial direction of the Referendum ’23 Tapes podcast, I say that it is a work of passion, born of a deep-seated loathing for sensationalist news, click-bait headlines, misinformation and media-hungry self-proclaimed evangelists.

As a result, the editorial direction of the podcast is towards informing our audience of the truth. Providing informed interviews that promote an understanding of the issues relating to the Referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.

I have been asked many times why we have not carried interviews with those loud voices urging Australia to vote NO in the Referendum. The answer is quite simple – those we have asked, which includes Jacinta Price and the Australian Jewish Association – have declined to participate, at least for the time being.

Our very small team, though, will continue to seek out those people who have valid, constructive and informative commentary on the matter of the Referendum – regardless of their position on the vote. When we find them, we will definitely invite them to be interviewed.

Unlike many campaigners – and this is on both sides of the argument – at Victorian Aboriginal News we have actually read and taken on board the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Final Report to the Australian Government (July 2021). It is that document that forms the basis of much of what you hear on our podcast. It is the document that, if read by many of the radical voices would answer a great number of their questions…and false accusations.

It is also a document that seems not to have been read by so many of the journalists who promote misinformation either from a sense of malicious politics or total ignorance.

The trap of unintentional editorial bias

Despite everything, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of unintentional editorial bias, so to that end we are currently in the process of establishing the VAN Content and Ethics Advisory Panel.

Consisting of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people with experience across community, local government and state government, the Panel’s role will be to continually challenge and guide the editorial direction of VAN and the Referendum ’23 Tapes podcast.

We’ll be sharing more information about this Panel later in March this year.

Share and Participate

Victorian Aboriginal News does not have anything like the financial or personnel resources that the big media players have. So, if you believe there’s someone who can contribute to the national discussion about a First Nations Voice to Parliament, then simply let us know by using our Contact Form here.

You can also help massively by sharing our podcasts, pages and posts. It all helps.

We’re currently not funded for the podcast, nor do we seek to monetise it. But when you take the time to share our podcast, pages and posts on social media, you’re helping in a big way!

Stay informed – Charles


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