Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.


Assembly member Rueben Berg discusses the successes and challenges of The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria

Four minutes with Rueben Berg from the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, discussing the successes and challenges of the Assembly.
Posted by: Charles Pakana
Published 8 May 2023
Source: Victorian Aboriginal News

As the dates for polling for the “Assembly 2.0” members looms ever closer, we spend just four minutes with Gunditjmara man and Assembly 1.0 member – and 2.0 candidate – Rueben Berg.

During those four minutes, we highlight the successes and challenges of the current Assembly and those expected to be experienced by Assembly 2.0.

Note: This video marks extensive coverage that will be delivered by Victorian Aboriginal News about the Victorian Treaty process.

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