We’re immensely proud of the relationships we have with our various partners across Victoria, and just as grateful of the support they lend to our work. We couldn’t continue with our projects without it!

Partner: Community Broadcasting Foundation
With a $19,000 grant from CBF, our organisation is now able to undertake the next step forward and promote our content for broadcast on more community radio stations across Victoria.

Partner: 3KND
Broadcasting our VAN Talks podcast in the form of a one-hour weekly current affairs program, 3KND is Victoria's first and only Aboriginal-owned and -operated radio station

Partner: National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth and Justice
Partnering to achieve a common cause of promoting reconciliation and a greater understanding within the broader Australian community of First Nations' causes

Partner: The NED Foundation
Partnering with Victorian Aboriginal News in 2024, the NED Foundation has given life to the second series of the important - and popular - Leader Tapes

Partner: Reconciliation Victoria
An incredible organisation that despite the challenges of operating on the smell of an oily rag, champions so many important Victorian Aboriginal causes and fights.

Partner: City of Banyule
A partnership that goes back nearly 100 years, the City of Banyule is - if we were to have one - the home for Victorian Aboriginal News.

Partner: Creative Victoria
Two grants totally around $40,000 from Creative Victoria in 2022/23 gave us the opportunity to realise our dream of the popular VAN Leader Tapes project!