Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.


This is where you’ll find all the news stories, podcasts and videos created and posted by the Victorian Aboriginal News team.

Equal footing for Traditional Owners in the Treaty process – the Self-Determination Fund

Equal footing for Traditional Owners in the Treaty process – the Self-Determination Fund

We speak with the CEO of the Self-Determination Fund, that organisation so often overlooked but playing a critical role in ensuring an equal footing in Treaty for the Victorian Traditional Owners
The Welcome to Country – the cultural and contemporary perspectives

The Welcome to Country – the cultural and contemporary perspectives

We speak with Wurundjeri Elder and lore man Uncle Bill Nicholson, gaining an insight into the important role that a Welcome to Country has in the broader Australian social landscape.
Treaty negotiations underway in Victoria. Diving into the aspirations of a third iteration of the Aboriginal representative body

Treaty negotiations underway in Victoria. Diving into the aspirations of a third iteration of the Aboriginal representative body

As the Victorian Government and First Peoples' Assembly determine key negotiation points for the statewide treaty, we deep dive into one of the key points - a third-generation Assembly
Ministers Dimopoulos and Spence remaining silent on the questionable motivation leading to the dingo “death warrant”

Ministers Dimopoulos and Spence remaining silent on the questionable motivation leading to the dingo “death warrant”

In this end-of-year episode, Charles brings together key points from two months of investigation and interviews and presents an update on legal action against the Government.
“Sham consultation!” Even the Victorian Farmers Federation points the finger squarely at the Victorian Government

“Sham consultation!” Even the Victorian Farmers Federation points the finger squarely at the Victorian Government

Regardless of the fact that many Victorian farmers support the unprotection order on dingoes, the Victorian Farmers Federation has claimed "sham consultation" on the part of the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Yoorrook Deputy Chair, Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter reflects back on years of evidence and submissions

Yoorrook Deputy Chair, Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter reflects back on years of evidence and submissions

Following a closing of submissions and evidence for the Yoorook Justice Commission, VAN's Charles Pakana catches up for an exclusive yarn with Deputy Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter
Despite spiritual connection, Dja Dja Wurrung barely considered in Victorian Government’s dingo “planning”

Despite spiritual connection, Dja Dja Wurrung barely considered in Victorian Government’s dingo “planning”

We continue our investigation into the State Government’s blatant disregard of First Nations’ advice on the matter of dingo protection in Victoria, yarning this time with DJAARA CEO, Uncle Rodney Carter
Yarning with Barkindji Elder Uncle Col Clark on the bank of the mighty Murray River. Podcasting just as it should be done!

Yarning with Barkindji Elder Uncle Col Clark on the bank of the mighty Murray River. Podcasting just as it should be done!

On a recent trip up to Latje Latje Country, specifically Mildura, we caught up with Barkindji Elder, Uncle Col Clark. Sitting by the southern bank of the mighty Murray River, we yarned about reconciliation in a post-referendum Victoria.
The Victorian Government continues to ignore the state’s First Nations on deeply cultural matter

The Victorian Government continues to ignore the state’s First Nations on deeply cultural matter

As we continue to explore the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action's continued backturning on First Nations, we speak with Federation CEO, Gunnai, Monaro and Gunditjmara man Paul Paton on the matter of the dingo "death warrant".
Rueben Berg: Reflecting on five years of progress towards a Victorian Treaty

Rueben Berg: Reflecting on five years of progress towards a Victorian Treaty

Five-and-a-half years ago Rueben Berg and Charles Pakana had their first Treaty interview. On the eve of statewide Treaty negotiations, they catch up and look back - and forward
Everyone has a role to play in bringing Aboriginal cultural safety and learnings into the education system

Everyone has a role to play in bringing Aboriginal cultural safety and learnings into the education system

We hear from Aboriginal reform advocate and activist, Bunurong woman Zoe Upton, discussing topics ranging from engaging with Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups, increasing the number of First Nations teachers in the system, supporting identity and the role of allies and collaborators.
Victoria’s dingoes are the ones to lose out under outdated state legislation

Victoria’s dingoes are the ones to lose out under outdated state legislation

Under a nearly 50-year-old legislation - the Victorian Wildlife Act 1975 - our state's dingoes are NOT being protected. Yuin man, Dr. Jack Pascoe sheds new light on Victoria's Dingo Unprotection debacle
The science and facts supporting the need to protect Victorian dingo populations

The science and facts supporting the need to protect Victorian dingo populations

We speak with Professor Euan Ritchie, one of Australia's foremost environmental scientists, discussing the science behind the need for the dingo, and practical ways in which livestock can be protected without the need for poisons and leg-traps.
Wurundjeri man Thane Garvey shares insights about incorporating culture into our everyday lives

Wurundjeri man Thane Garvey shares insights about incorporating culture into our everyday lives

If reconciliation is to become a reality, it falls on all of us to begin appreciating the Country on which we walk. Thane shares ways in which we can incorporate Aboriginal culture into our everyday lives
The harsh reality of business that “black clad” themselves to rort the system…and clients

The harsh reality of business that “black clad” themselves to rort the system…and clients

While a growing number of people and businesses seek to support Blak businesses, there is an unfortunate prevalence of businesses following a practice of "black cladding" to rip off the unaware
Thomas Mayo, one year on from the referendum still urges all Australians onwards to a better country

Thomas Mayo, one year on from the referendum still urges all Australians onwards to a better country

We catch up with Thomas Mayo exactly one year after the failed referendum. Ever the optimist and activist, he talks about his book and strong ways forward for all Australians
The Victorian Government effectively signs a death warrant on the state’s dingo population

The Victorian Government effectively signs a death warrant on the state’s dingo population

We speak with Tuangurung's Matt Shanks as we start an ongoing series of investigative interviews into the Victorian government's decision to extend an UNprotection order on much of the State's dingo population.
On Gunditjmara Country and learning about the story behind the Budj Bim cultural heritage site

On Gunditjmara Country and learning about the story behind the Budj Bim cultural heritage site

Sitting beside Tae Rak, we yarn with Gunditjmara and Monero/Gunnai man Joseph Saunders, General Manager Tourism of the Budj Bim cultural heritage site.
Talking treaty – Reconciliation Victoria turns the table on VAN journalist Charles Pakana

Talking treaty – Reconciliation Victoria turns the table on VAN journalist Charles Pakana

Reconciliation Victoria's Communications lead, Anna Van Vliet takes the lead to ask Charles various treaty questions that have come in to Rec Vic from members of its 30+ local reconciliation group network
“Treaty”. A fairly generic word that can either be weaponised or seen as an amazing opportunity

“Treaty”. A fairly generic word that can either be weaponised or seen as an amazing opportunity

A simple interview with Constitutional law expert Professor Cheryl Saunders about the legal meaning of "treaty" evolves to embrace a broad range of important related matters
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