Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.

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Aunty Esme Bamblett: Reconciliation is the role of every Australian!

Aunty Esme Bamblett: Reconciliation is the role of every Australian!

We continue our series of interviews with Victorian Aboriginal people, with Aunty Esme Bamblett delivering a clear argument on it being the responsibility of every Australian
When music makes a difference – singer/songwriter Pirritu embeds culture and language in his art

When music makes a difference – singer/songwriter Pirritu embeds culture and language in his art

In a change from our typical interviews, we catch up with one of our favourite singer/songwriters, Pirritu, and discuss the importance of music as a form of social change
Victoria’s Anglican church commits to reconciliation, recognition of First Peoples and treaty

Victoria’s Anglican church commits to reconciliation, recognition of First Peoples and treaty

We catch up with recently collated Archdeacon for Reconciliation, First Peoples Recognition and Treaty, Wiradjuri man Uncle Glenn Loughrey.
An Aboriginal-designed and -led solution delivering real results for Victoria’s incarcerated

An Aboriginal-designed and -led solution delivering real results for Victoria’s incarcerated

We speak with founder and creative director of Torch program, Uncle Kent Morris, and Gallery Administrator, the inspirational Stacey Edwards
The Treaty Authority – working to support a Treaty process that benefits all Victorians

The Treaty Authority – working to support a Treaty process that benefits all Victorians

Uncle Andrew Jackomos and Thelma Austin from the Treaty Authority speak about the importance of ensuring treaty negotiations are impartial and of benefit to all
44-year Wirajduri veteran of Fire Rescue Victoria discusses systemic racism within the service but stresses strong progress

44-year Wirajduri veteran of Fire Rescue Victoria discusses systemic racism within the service but stresses strong progress

With Fire Rescue Victoria recruiting more First Nations firefighters, we speak with Uncle Owen Butler, a Wiradjuri man with 44 years experience in the service.
Taungurung wins first important legal round in VCAT against Goulburn Murray Water

Taungurung wins first important legal round in VCAT against Goulburn Murray Water

CEO of the Taungurung Land and Waters Council, Matthew Burns, speaks openly about a recent VCAT ruling on proposed works licence from Goulburn Murray Water.
Inside the Bendigo and District Aboriginal Co-operative with the chair and CEO

Inside the Bendigo and District Aboriginal Co-operative with the chair and CEO

We check in with BDAC Chair, Nicola Perry-Peters and CEO, Dallas Widdicombe about the challenges and successes of the proudly community controlled organisation
Delivering a First Nations-centric cultural foundation for family planning and early childhood

Delivering a First Nations-centric cultural foundation for family planning and early childhood

We speak with lead researcher and MD of First 1,000 Days Australia, Kerry Arabena about helping First Nations families move from planning through to parenthood.
Artist and activist Richard Bell on art and activism

Artist and activist Richard Bell on art and activism

We catch up with award-winning artist and Aboriginal activist Uncle Richard Bell to talk about activism, art and their co-existence.
Inside the Koorie Heritage Trust with CEO Tom Mosby

Inside the Koorie Heritage Trust with CEO Tom Mosby

For many, the Koorie Heritage Trust is simply somewhere to purchase art and gifts. It's much much more, though. We speak about this with CEO Tom Mosby.
Dja Dja Wurrung and land set to benefit from new agreement with Agnico Eagle gold mining operation

Dja Dja Wurrung and land set to benefit from new agreement with Agnico Eagle gold mining operation

We speak frankly with DJAARA CEO Uncle Rodney Carter about the benefits to mob and Country emerging from a new agreement between gold mining giant Agnico Eagle and the Dja Dja Wurrung traditional owners
Bringing Aboriginal content and relevancy into the education curriculum

Bringing Aboriginal content and relevancy into the education curriculum

We speak with Gunditjmara academic and education advocate Professor Uncle Mark Rose, Deakin University's Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Strategy and Innovation
The challenges and obligations facing artists practising cultural art on Country that isn’t theirs

The challenges and obligations facing artists practising cultural art on Country that isn’t theirs

We speak with Gurrin Gurrin man and artist Phllip Howe about what it means to practise art on Country that isn't his.
Reconciliation in perspective – a frank conversation with Wotjobaluk Traditional Owner, Aunty Janine Coombs

Reconciliation in perspective – a frank conversation with Wotjobaluk Traditional Owner, Aunty Janine Coombs

We commence our series of interviews with Victorian Traditional Owners about the true meaning of reconciliation with Wotjobaluk woman, Aunty Janine Coombs
Transfer of power from government to Assembly on the cards for statewide Treaty negotiation

Transfer of power from government to Assembly on the cards for statewide Treaty negotiation

As we move towards a statewide Treaty in Victoria, Assembly Co-Chair Rueben Berg talks openly about the sharing of government powers


We want to know what stories you want to hear. The people you’d like us to interview, and the First Nations causes, initiatives and achievements we should be sharing. 

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