Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.
Episode 33: Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Elder Uncle Andrew Gardiner shares his perspective on the Voice to Parliament
25 September 2023
From sources of misinformation to Australia's standing on the international stage, Uncle Andrew Gardiner speaks about the proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament
Episode 32: Leading Aboriginal child-care activist and advocate speaks out on a Voice to Parliament
20 September 2023
Aunty Muriel Bamblett, CEO of VACCA speaks on the Ref 23 Tapes podcast about child care, treaty and other matters, all impacted positively by a Voice to Parliament.
Episode 31: Dja Dja Wurrung People come out in clear support of a Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution
15 September 2023
CEO of Djaara, the Dja Dja Wurrung land and waters corporation, Rodney Carter, joins Charles on the next episode of the Referendum 2023 Tapes podcast.
Episode 30: The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations weighs into the Referendum and Voice debate
12 September 2023
Charles is joined by the CEO of the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, Paul Paton, to discuss a range of topics relating to the Voice and the forthcoming referendum.
Victorian Aboriginal leaders gather in unison and solidarity at the AAL to support a Yes vote at the referendum
10 September 2023
At a joint media conference at the Aborigines Advancement League, Aboriginal leaders gathered in unity to support a Yes vote at the forthcoming referendum.
Episode 29: Students and first-time voters speak out on the Voice, referendum and truth in political campaigning
8 September 2023
Two students and first-time voters share their thoughts on a range of topics, including: truth in political advertising/campaigning, media-driven misinformation and their hopes for a Voice to Parliament.
Wonthaggi Community with Rec Vic
7 September 2023
Episode 28: Very real and positive health outcomes for Aboriginal People as a ‘Yes’ vote result
5 September 2023
CEO of VACCHO, Aunty Jill Gallagher AO, talks about the positive health outcomes for Aboriginal People as a result of a Yes vote for the Voice to Parliament.
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