Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.
Episode 22: Australian and New Zealand psychiatrists lend their support to a First Nations Voice to Parliament
4 July 2023
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has lent its support to a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Episode 21: Australia’s largest union lends it weight to the Voice to Parliament
15 June 2023
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Deputy Secretary Lori-Anne Sharp joins us to discuss the Federation’s broad support for the constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament.
Episode 20: Education advocate Cara Peek speaks out about benefits of the Voice and dispels misinformation
1 June 2023
A passionate advocate for greater education opportunities and support within First Nations communities, Yawuru/Bunuba woman Cara Peek, speaks about her experiences as part of the Uluru Dialogues, hopes for the future, and exposes misinformation.
Episode 19: Perspectives from a leading reconciliation authority and academic
11 May 2023
One of this country’s foremost authorities on reconciliation, Professor Andrew Gunstone, provides important perspectives on the referendum for a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Episode 18: Dissecting the proposed Referendum question and Constitutional amendment
23 April 2023
Confused by the referendum question and proposed amendment to the Constitution? To gain clarity, we’re joined by leading Constitution lawyer, Professor Cheryl Saunders.
Episode 17: Exposing more misinformation about local and regional Voices
14 April 2023
Despite the hook on which many hang their rationale for a NO vote - the supposed absence of local and regional voices - we reveal the truth about this all-important issue.
Episode 16: Sky News Australia and Andrew Bolt caught out spreading misinformation
9 April 2023
OK, so what do you think is going to happen when a tiny media outlet calls out the mistruths being presented by a big name commentator on a global network? Let's wait and see.
Episode 15: South Australia’s Voice Commissioner Dale Agius speaks about Australia’s first Indigenous Voice to Parliament
5 April 2023
On the 26th of March, South Australia led the way with a First Nations Voice to that State’s Parliament. In this episode we speak to the SSA Commissioner for Voice, Dale Agius
Understanding what’s being proposed for the First Nations Voice to Parliament
1 April 2023
If you think for a minute that the Voice will just suddenly appear if a Yes vote gets over the line, think again. There’s an enormous amount of work that will need to be undertaken before that happens.
Episode 14: Marcus Stewart provides an insight into the First Nations Referendum Working Group
30 March 2023
Member of the First Nations Referendum Working Group and Taungurung man Marcus Stewart joins Charles on the Ref 23 Tapes podcast to talk about the role and efforts of the Working Group.
Episode 13: Fred Hollows Foundation one of 144 social justice organisations forming a coalition to support the First Nations Voice
27 March 2023
CEO of the Fred Hollows Foundation, Ian Wishart, discusses the 144-strong coalition of social justice organisations supporting a First Nations Voice to Parliament
Episode 12: National Party leader David Littleproud advocates for a more effective option
24 March 2023
Rather than adding another layer of bureaucracy, the National Party of Australia advocates for greater empowerment of local First Nations communities as an option to a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
Episode 11: Proposing changes to the mechanics of voting in a Referendum
21 March 2023
Kate Thwaites, MP, Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, speaks with Charles Pakana on proposed changes to some of the ways in which Australia runs its referendums.
Episode 10: SBS/NITV launches strategic plan for coverage of the First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum
17 March 2023
Head of NITV, Tanya Denning Orman, discusses the SBS/NITV strategy that will guide the network's coverage of the Referendum campaign for a First Nations Voice to Parliament
Episode 9: Ged Kearney MP, on the campaign trail for a First Nations Voice to Parliament
14 March 2023
Commencing our series of interviews with politicians from both sides of the Referendum campaign, we are joined by the Federal Member for Cooper, Ged Kearney, MP.
EPISODE 8: The Anglican Church’s Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey speaks out on the need for reliable and open information
6 March 2023
Wiradjuri man, Reverend Canon Glenn Loughrey from the Anglican Church joins us on the Referendum ‘23 Tapes podcast to discuss the role of the church in promoting reliable information and the need for asking questions and joining in conversations.
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