Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples: Please note that this site contains images and references to people who have died.

Questions about Victoria’s Treaty? Ask them here!

The VAN Treaty Centre





Welcome to the Victorian Aboriginal New Treaty Centre. Here you’ll find a list of all our Treaty-specific podcasts, lists of resources – downloadable and other websites – and, importantly, a feedback form you can use to have your questions answered about Treaty.

Articles, Podcasts and Videos

Victorian Treaty Update July 2021

Victorian Treaty Update July 2021

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Resumes Community Consultations Following Lockdowns

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Resumes Community Consultations Following Lockdowns

Victorian Treaty – Eight Months On

Victorian Treaty – Eight Months On

Useful Websites

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria

The Victorian Treaty Authority (The “Umpires”)

The Yoorrook Justice Commission

Reconciliation Victoria Home Page

Vic. First Peoples State Relations (Treaty)

ANTaR (Prev. Australians for Native Title & Reconciliation

PDF Download Resources (from this site)

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Annual Report 23/24

Treaty Negotiation Framework (Full)

Treaty Negotiation Framework (Explainer)

Vic. Government Advancing Treaty Annual Report 23/24

Yoorook Report from First Peoples’ Assembly of Vic.

Yoorrook Report into Vic. Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems

Yoorrook Justice Commission 1st Interim Report

FPAV – The Journey to Treaty 2024

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Constitution

FPAV Getting Treaty Done 2024

Advancing Treaty Process Act 2018

Ask Your Questions About Treaty

We commit to responding to every legitimate question. They will also form part of our series of podcasts – transcripts provided – specific to answering community’s questions about the Victorian Treaty process.

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